Monday, February 1, 2016

10 Quick Ways Hair Long In a Short Time

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  Hair long, healthy and shiny is a dream of almost all women. no wonder so many women are willing to pay a realtvely expensive to do hair treatment in a hair salon to het their dreams. However, Some of the problems that often arie such as dry hair dull and fall out, become an obstacle for women to get hair dreams

Well if you have difficulty in obtaining long hair, here are some easy ways you can do to accelerate the growth of hair

1. Use conditioner
Use conditioner after shampooing on a regular basis can also be a way to get long hair faster. In addition to accelerating the growth of hair conditioner can also keep moisture from the hair so avoid such damage dry hair, brittle and dull. Therefore, do not forget to frequently use a conditioner after shampooing well Toppers, at least 2 times a week.
2. Reduce the use of air heating devices
Hair appliances such as hair dryers, hair curlers catokan and indeed can beautify your hair structure. However, if too much is used, the heat from these tools will make the hair become fragile, so brittle and fall out. The resulting thermal stress will also inhibit hair growth in the long term.
So you should start to reduce the use of hair appliances that generate heat. Better hair dry naturally, by aerated. However, when in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer or curling iron catokan, but the temperature is not too hot and do not forget to use vitamin hair to hair moisture is maintained.
3. Massage the scalp regularly
Another way that you can do to stimulate hair growth by massaging the scalp regularly, at least 3 times a week. This will help blood circulation to the scalp so that hair growth process will be faster.
Massaging the scalp not only have a way creambath at the salon, you can do it yourself at home without breaking the bank. When shampooing, massage the scalp gently for 3-5 minutes. Besides being able to accelerate blood circulation, massage the scalp will also clean the dirt on the scalp that causes the growth of fungi such as dandruff.
4. Avoid hair coloring
Often mutually hair color? If you want your hair long fast, you should not be too frequent hair coloring. Surely you already know hair dyes contain chemicals? Well if overused, the chemicals contained in them can damage the scalp and inhibit hair growth.
5. Consume protein
In addition to care from the outside, from within any treatment needed to stimulate hair growth. Therefore, make sure you eat foods rich in protein that hair follicles get essential nutrients needed to support hair growth. In addition to accelerating the length of the hair, food with high protein content such as milk, beans and meat will also keep your hair healthy and not easily damaged.
6. Reduce the time to swim
The content of chlorine in the pool water can damage and create more hair growth slows. But if you like to swim hard to cut, you can use hair cover while swimming to protect hair exposed to chlorine directly. In addition, immediately rinse your hair using shampoo and do not forget to use a conditioner that hair is not dry and the humidity is maintained.
7. Use green tea
Green tea is a natural substance that can accelerate hair growth. High antioxidant content contained in green tea can accelerate the circulation of blood flow in the skin, which stimulates hair growth more quickly. Brewed green tea and apply on the scalp evenly. Then wrap the hair using a towel, let stand for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
In addition to the way massaged on the scalp, you can also instantly get the properties of green tea with how to drink. In addition to a role in hair growth, antioxidants can also protect the body from free radicals that cause premature aging and health problems such as cancer.
8. Efficacy of coconut milk
Turns milk can also be used to lengthen hair. Maybe it sounds strange. But you can prove yourself by using coconut milk hair care routine, at least 2 times a week. In addition to rapidly lengthen your hair, use coconut milk regularly to treat the hair, also can smooth and soften hair.
Hair care treatments using coconut milk is not too difficult, just smeared thick coconut milk on the scalp to taste, then cover with a warm towel and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly, and you will feel the hair becomes softer. Keen to make coconut milk as a hair treatment?
9. Treatment with aloe vera
Efficacy of aloe vera nourish and nourish the hair is already no doubt. No wonder so many manufacturers of hair care products that use plant this one as the manufacture of its products. But to get the maximum benefit more, it would be better if you use aloe vera directly, instead of using hair care products that contain these plants.
How to use is very easy, just peel and grab aloe vera gel. Then apply the gel to your scalp and hair. Shut up about 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. For maximum results, you can add a few drops of honey on aloe vera gel before it is applied to the scalp.
10. Olive oil and walnut oil
Olive oil and hazelnut oil is already well known potent in nourish hair. Besides when shampooing, you can do a scalp massage just before bed by using olive oil or walnut oil. Simply by dropping 5 drops of olive oil or walnut oil on the scalp, then massage gently for 5-10 minutes. Let sit overnight, then rinse thoroughly in the bath in the morning.

Hopefully the above tips can help you to get a long and healthy hair as you desire yes*



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