Saturday, January 30, 2016

Creating Ads Hovering Side Blog With Keys Close

  I once distributed How to Install Ad on the left and right of the blog. Display ads that are generated are certainly on the right and left blogs, and drift. However, although float, ads are shown outside column blog content,
in other words not display ads
enter the blog's content area. So consequently, if the blog is opened on a PC or a device that can only display local blog content only, then the ads can not be displayed. Unless the PC or the device can perform Blog Zoom out on the page.
 If on your blog put up advertising space as such, could be advertiser who understands will be less keen to advertise. Or even advertiser did not find the ad space. Therefore, this time I will share how to create advertising space with a similar position, but does not have the drawbacks as advertising space beforehand.Display Ad generated will float and be in the right and left side Blog. Unlike previous ads that are outside the area of ​​the blog content, this one will continue to be attached to the right and left side of the monitor. So how big was the size of the blog page is displayed on a PC or other devices, these ads will continue to be displayed even though up blocking Blog content. But of course if this ad to deter Blog content, then it would be very disturbing view blog visitors. Therefore, this ad comes close button that can be removed for the convenience of visitors Blog. Such as the following sample results.
Iklan Melayang di Samping Blog Dengan Tombol Close
 OK, if a friend wants to use it, here's how to make it.
1. Sign in to your Blogger account buddy respectively.
2. Go to begian Layout.
3. Click the add gadgets on any widget column.
4. Select the mode HTML / Javascript.
5. Enter the following code.
<script type='text/javascript'>

$(document).ready(function() {






<script type="text/javascript">var a=navigator,b="userAgent",c="indexOf",f="&m=1",g="(^|&)m=",h="?",i="?m=1";function j(){var d=window.location.href,e=d.split(h);switch(e.length){case 1:return d+i;case 2:return 0<=e[1].search(g)?null:d+f;default:return null}}if(-1!=a[b][c]("Mobile")&&-1!=a[b][c]("WebKit")&&-1==a[b][c]("iPad")||-1!=a[b][c]("Opera Mini")||-1!=a[b][c]("IEMobile")){var k=j();k&&window.location.replace(k)};

</script><script type="text/javascript">

if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick('headEnd');


<!--start: floating ads-->

<div id="teaser2" style="width:autopx; height:0; text-align:left; display:scroll;position:fixed; top:0px;left:0px;">

<div><a id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser2').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='' alt='close' title='close button'/></center></a></div>

<!--Star here-->

<!--Put Scripts Ad here To Adveriste Hovering Left Blog-->

<!--End Here-->


<!--end: floating ads-->

<!--start: floating ads-->

<div id="teaser3" style="width:autopx; height:600; text-align:right; display:scroll;position:fixed; top:0px;right:0px;">

<div><a id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser3').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='' alt='close' title='close button'/></center></a></div>

<!--Star Here-->

<!--Put Scripts Ad Here To Advertise Hovering Right Blog-->

<!--End Here-->

<!--end: floating ads--></div>


may be useful not to forget to follow. Thank you


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