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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Seeing Rating, Value SEO and PageRank Of a Blog/website

  For Bloggers beginner definitely still on blog confused why we make are not listed in the search Engines. This Way be due to its SEO Value That is Still very low.

So how do i know the value or rating, SEO and PageRank a Blog or Website?

1. Click On this Link : HERE
2. Enter our Website or Blog search field
3. Wait a moment,
4. now we can see all of the infomatiaon blog or her website

*Hopefully this information is useful. do not forget to follow the same comments. Thank You*


How to Clean Face Properly And Effectively

 Clean facial skin is indeed important things to note. This makes today's modern society continue to update some of the products and techniques in care. Is actually fairly easy to maintain, but they need to know how to clean the face of the right is to do it regularly in the morning and evening. Not only that the media choose facial cleanser that suits your skin type will also be supportive of the view that will be generated. The use of cleaning agents able to remove dirt and excess oil that stick to the face so it will look more clean, fresh and blushing.

cara membersihkan wajah

  • Media Cleanser Effective And Right
 In the time that has changed the world of fashion, making all things related to beauty is always there and readily available. It must also include media for facial skin cleanser. The beauty products have the functions and properties of each that makes women increasingly complementary beauty products to appear more perfect. Some of the products are very effective for cleaning the face, such as cleanser, face tonic, moisturizer, facial foam and much more. However, to give the maximum results, they need to know also how to clean up the correct face. It is intended that the face is not easy and will not aggravate sensitive skin problems before.

cara membersihkan wajah yang benar

  • How to Clean the True Face

  Cleaning the facial area is indeed a relatively easy activity, but often the community wrong in doing so hopes of ridding the face of acne was actually even exacerbate them. Therefore they need to know in order to resolve the issue now.

cara membersihkan wajah dari jerawat

This is the proper procedures in cleaning the face:
  • Clean your face with a cleanser and a suitable cleanser is one way to clean oily face a powerful and effective.
  • Before cleaning the area wet face first with warm water, so that the pores open and skin becomes moist.
  • Clean your face with a cleanser, then massage in a circular motion in order to facilitate the circulation of the blood and dispose of the dirt on the skin.
  • Rinse off with a soft cloth that has been soaked in cold water to close the pores.
  • After that spread with moisturizer or moisturarizer to make facial skin becomes moist.
cara membersihkan wajah berminyak

 So in essence, for someone who does have skin problems or have a face that is very sensitive necessarily need to choose carefully the products that comply with the skin. It certainly has a clear objective which is to face they can adapt quickly and do not aggravate the condition face. Besides ridding the face with appropriate measures would greatly help quickly in the face to immediately accept the efficacy of the products used on the skin of the user. 'I hope this article can help you and do not forget the comments, follow Google+ terimaksih'


Video Ojek Bonceng 8 Women hijab Heboh in Medsos

Tukang ojek bonceng 8 wanita berhijab

TASIKMALAYA - Video motorcycle taxi drivers piggybacking 8 veiled woman excited in social media (medsos). Video motorcycle taxi driver became viral in cyberspace.

The video was recorded via camera phone a few months ago. However, it has become a viral video and diperbincangan many people, especially among netizens.

Some users medsos amazed at the unique video. They assess, in Indonesia there are only motorcycles can ride that many people.

Video motorcycle that was taken with a camera phone by a motorcycle users. Initially, the video is taken from the back and look some people dibonceng by the motorcycle taxi drivers.

When a video recorder crucify the motorcycle, then looked all passengers dibonceng. The motorcycle taxi driver turns carrying nine people, including eight veiled women. Practically, people who were in the taxi as many as 10 people, including the motorcycle taxi drivers.

Not known for sure the location and time of shooting. However, some netizens called the video was taken in the area Cipatujah West Java.

Motorcycle taxis are piggybacking 8 veiled woman is known as a motorcycle Cross. Initially, these taxis are used to transport timber with a fairly heavy burden. Later, taxis are also diamanfaatkan crossbar to transport humans.

"Apparently motorcycle bar like this existed in Indonesia, perhaps even only in Indonesia! Although the level of security was minimal, but it continues to operate taxis crossbar. Ojeks bars operating in the area are still quiet areas, "the statement video uploaded on YouTube account Video Booming, January 27, 2016.

The following video motorcycle taxis ride on a bicycle 8 women hijab.



 Injectable dangers White - It has white skin, smooth and shining is everyone's dream. Especially women. For those of you who are born with white skin naturally then be thankful. But for those of you who are born with skin that may be brown or black it does not need to be sad. All should be grateful. If indeed you want your skin to be white then it can use whitening products on the market. You need to consider is to find a legal product, quality and safety. You can also try treatments that support so that your skin can be white. But do not ever try treatment with a dangerous risk. One of the treatments that can be white is by injecting white.

White syringe white can indeed deliver results on the skin of a person in an instant or fast. But behind the instant of a product or care necessarily contain weaknesses. The weakness may manifest its harmful effects. White syringe has harmful effects that may rarely be informed.


Advancement of existing technology, especially also in the field of beauty, prompting many experts to create new methods that super fast results that many people want. Including one of which is white in a fast time. White syringe that is the one alternative that is used to whiten the skin quickly.

What's that white syringe? White is a method of injecting into skin whitening by injecting a substance or substances which are already regulated doses or levels that can provide instant white effect on the skin. Materials used in the white syringe typically use a high vitamin C as basic materials. White syringe danger that often occurs is the formation of kidney stones. Because the portion of the required levels of adults in vitamin C alone or less and no more than 2000 mg. If more than that number could interfere with the kidneys and can lead to disturbances in the form of gastric ulcer.

Based on research, the danger of injecting white woman is experiencing irregular menstruation and a bit. The menstrual cycle becomes one to three days. Worse at the age of approximately 35 to 36 years could be affected by early menopause. Therefore you should start now you are looking for a safer alternative to whiten the skin. Use only natural herbal ingredients and do not use instant way the long-term effects are much more dangerous.

*May be useful for all. Do not forget to Follow


5 HOW remove blackheads NATURALLY AND FAST

Getting Rid of Blackheads Naturally - Blackheads is a blockage of the pores of the skin so that it appears small white bumps called whiteheads and black is known as blackhead, on the skin or around your face. Sometimes also yellowish blackheads. Usually the appearance of blackheads is the main target of the face, the nose and around the eyes. Blackheads can develop into acne, known as papules or pustules. Blackheads generally usually arise and thrive during and after puberty, when hormone levels produce excess sebum.

 Sebum which serves to hydrate the skin oozing out of the pores are open. Sometimes the sebum secretion also clogged and that is where the bacteria begin to accumulate. For those who are affected by this problem do not worry to find a solution because here we will clarify the explanation of how to remove blackheads naturally. Indeed, this seems a slut and cheesy, but wait do not directly assess from the outside but the benefits contained therein will be very powerful and the results can be disappointing. May need extra patience level better to do this because this is not the way that instant and fast, because it takes your regularity in the implement it to get maximum results.

HOW remove blackheads NATURALLY

Here are 5 natural ways to get rid of blackheads you can do at home without going to a beauty clinic. Let's look together.

Papaya fruit is very famous for his usefulness for facial skin care and beauty. One of the benefits of papaya is to address blackheads. The way is easy, that make papaya mask. Soften up similar pieces of papaya fruit pulp to taste and then apply on the face around there seem evenly blackheads. Take a few moments and then rinse with clean water. You can do this when you wake up in the morning and at bedtime.

Aloe vera gel is very effective to overcome your blackheads. The trick is to prepare 1 aloe vera stems, then slice it into two parts. Take mucus or gel and apply on your face and the nose area of ​​blackheads. do regularly 1-2 times a day until your blackheads invisible back. If the gel produced is less, you can also blend / chunks of aloe vera juice is.

Well, usually if you're boiling water, then take advantage of the hot water vapor to remove your blackheads. In addition another effective way is to add a little salt to the boiling water, then wait for it to boil, then Steam face or where blackheads for 5-10 minutes. For more leverage, cover your head with a towel, then sat down and faced your face in front of the hot water that is placed in the basin. This method is also good for improving blood circulation and relieve cough flu.

How to remove blackheads naturally further by using lemon juice or lime. Lemon is very effective to remove excess oil on the face. The trick is to prepare the lemon juice, mix with almond oil and glycerin. Mix the three ingredients and puree using a blender. After that, apply where blackheads evenly, wait 10 minutes then rinse wear clean water. This method is also effective to remove stains black spots on your face. You can also make a scrub, with a mixture of lemon juice, salt water, honey and yogurt. Mix the ingredients and rub gently in the area affected by blackheads.

Especially for this part egg whites only for troubleshooting your blackheads. The trick is to smeared egg white (you can also add one tablespoon of honey) on the face that affected your nose blackheads or evenly, then let stand until it dries, about 25-30 minutes. Furthermore, wash your face with warm water.


In addition to how to cope with blackheads above, which is also important is to keep blackheads do not reappear. The following preventive measures to avoid the appearance of blackheads, among other things:

Washing your face twice a day with a cleanser oil or acne cleanser.
Avoid smoking and excessive pollution, wear a mask when outside.
Using make-up, lotions and facial cleansers that cater to oily face.
Remove clean your make-up before going to bed with warm water.
Reduce your intake of oily foods, such as chocolate, fried foods, and fast food.
Consuming foods containing beta-carotene.
Never squeeze blackheads because it can cause the bacteria to spread, giving rise to new blackheads and scars.

*So tips and how to remove blackheads naturally. You can practice it at home without the need to kencatikan clinic. Good luck and get results according to your wishes. If it does not work effectively then it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or a natural therapist to get further treatment. So.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to ablution correctly with pictures

 If you want prayers you are required to perform ablutions in advance because the berwudhu you will clean the dirt in your body, and of course cleaning of unclean in our body so that when we offer prayers our conditions in a state of holy, and just let see how to perform ablutions right below

Working way ablution are:

cara berwudhu

  • 1.Read ” BISMILLAAHIR-RAH-MAANIR-RAHIIM”, while washing both hands until the bracelet to clean
cara berwudhu

2. Finish cleaning hands continue rinsing 3x (three times), while cleaning the teeth to clean so that no traces of food in the teeth

cara berwudhu

3. You should wash rinse finish nostril 3x (three times)

cara berwudhu
4. If you have finished your nose three times, then you are required to wash your face as much as 3x, ranging from the growth of the hair or the forehead, up to the chin, and also the right ear and left ear, while reading the intentions of ablution like thi

doa wudhu
Nawaitul wudhuu’a li raf’il-hadatsil-ashghari fardhal lillaahi ta’aalaa
"I intention ablution. to eliminate the small impurity, obligatory for God "


5. if you are finished washing face (face wash) then you must wash / wash your hands until your elbows up to three time

     6. after finished washing both hands, you need to sweep most of scalp hair as much as three times longer

cara berwudhu

7. And if you're done sweeping partial head of hair you need to sweep both his ears three times
cara berwudhu

8. The last and that you should wash both legs up to three times, from knee to ankle

description :
in performing ablution you must carry it out in a row, meaning that the former should take precedence and the end diakhirkan

May be useful and do not forget to follow and the like. Thank you very much*


Creating Ads Hovering Side Blog With Keys Close

  I once distributed How to Install Ad on the left and right of the blog. Display ads that are generated are certainly on the right and left blogs, and drift. However, although float, ads are shown outside column blog content,
in other words not display ads
enter the blog's content area. So consequently, if the blog is opened on a PC or a device that can only display local blog content only, then the ads can not be displayed. Unless the PC or the device can perform Blog Zoom out on the page.
 If on your blog put up advertising space as such, could be advertiser who understands will be less keen to advertise. Or even advertiser did not find the ad space. Therefore, this time I will share how to create advertising space with a similar position, but does not have the drawbacks as advertising space beforehand.Display Ad generated will float and be in the right and left side Blog. Unlike previous ads that are outside the area of ​​the blog content, this one will continue to be attached to the right and left side of the monitor. So how big was the size of the blog page is displayed on a PC or other devices, these ads will continue to be displayed even though up blocking Blog content. But of course if this ad to deter Blog content, then it would be very disturbing view blog visitors. Therefore, this ad comes close button that can be removed for the convenience of visitors Blog. Such as the following sample results.
Iklan Melayang di Samping Blog Dengan Tombol Close
 OK, if a friend wants to use it, here's how to make it.
1. Sign in to your Blogger account buddy respectively.
2. Go to begian Layout.
3. Click the add gadgets on any widget column.
4. Select the mode HTML / Javascript.
5. Enter the following code.
<script type='text/javascript'>

$(document).ready(function() {






<script type="text/javascript">var a=navigator,b="userAgent",c="indexOf",f="&m=1",g="(^|&)m=",h="?",i="?m=1";function j(){var d=window.location.href,e=d.split(h);switch(e.length){case 1:return d+i;case 2:return 0<=e[1].search(g)?null:d+f;default:return null}}if(-1!=a[b][c]("Mobile")&&-1!=a[b][c]("WebKit")&&-1==a[b][c]("iPad")||-1!=a[b][c]("Opera Mini")||-1!=a[b][c]("IEMobile")){var k=j();k&&window.location.replace(k)};

</script><script type="text/javascript">

if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick('headEnd');


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<div><a id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser2').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='' alt='close' title='close button'/></center></a></div>

<!--Star here-->

<!--Put Scripts Ad here To Adveriste Hovering Left Blog-->

<!--End Here-->


<!--end: floating ads-->

<!--start: floating ads-->

<div id="teaser3" style="width:autopx; height:600; text-align:right; display:scroll;position:fixed; top:0px;right:0px;">

<div><a id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser3').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='' alt='close' title='close button'/></center></a></div>

<!--Star Here-->

<!--Put Scripts Ad Here To Advertise Hovering Right Blog-->

<!--End Here-->

<!--end: floating ads--></div>


may be useful not to forget to follow. Thank you

Is it true Clash of Clans Closed February 29 Later?

Clash of Clans Tutup 

Is it true that the best mobile gaming today, Clash of Clans closed on February 29, 2016?

The bad news Clash of Clans override world. After announcing the game spin-off titled Clash Royale, there is news that Clash of Clans closed on February 29, 2016. This news certainly make the most of mobile RTS game players that are inflamed. And this information was reinforced with a screenshot evidence containing news post Clash of Clans lid of Anoushka, representing Supercell. For those of you who do not know, Anoushka is one of the staff of Supercell, developer of the game Clash of Clans. But what motive games that have resulted in the closure of financial coffers from the sale of this green gem?
Clash of Clans Tutup
 From the screenshot above news post is clear that Anoushka announced that Clash of Clans closed on February 29, 2016 at 12 PM. All the gem that you have you can use to purchase in-game content sebelun closing its server. And purchasing gem real money will already be closed. And the closure of Clash of Clans is because Supercell wants to focus on its newest game Clash Royale. But is it really?
Clash of Clans Tutup
Clash of Clans Tutup
 After this news emerged and spread in social media. Anoushka suddenly spoke about his posts, because a lot of fans Clash of Clans which send private messages, protests and questioned the truth to him .. He said that the news about the Clash of Clans is closed through the screenshot it is a hoax news or fake news. He explained that Supercell not interested in closing the best mobile RTS gaming servers that. So be sure that the server Clash of Clans will still continue to be opened, and you can still buy a gem using real money. So for those of you who are addicted to this game, do not be fooled to use all the gems you have, or even sell your ID yah! Hehe ..
 As for Clash Royale itself is still in the stage of trial in some selected countries. Since the development and release of this new game, Supercell was never altogether reported that Clash of Clans is closed. Perhaps this false news created by hackers prankster who always lose in playing the Clash of Clans and want revenge. So, stay awake kastilmu and prepare the strongest forces to attack the opponent castle!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wow! 18 Trillion Obtained Clash of Clans (COC) During 2015


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cheats Point Blank Wallhack, No Recoil, Fast Reload, Quick Change

Cara Cek Cheat Kena Auto Ban Xigncode Atau tidak Cukup Mudah :!
  • Main Dan Buka Cheat Seperti biasa ( tidak perlu main ) sampai server saja langsung logout
  • Jika 2x login Pakai cheat tidak ada tulisan ban = OTOMATIS CHEAT AMAN dan bisa di pakai (BUKTIKAN CHEAT PKL AMAN)
Jika masih banned coba cek pc anda ada program seperti Cheat Engine, process hacker atau semacamnya atau tidak / pernah gunakan cheat lain delete dan unsintall program tersebut! <<penting lalu berishkan pc menggunakan CCleanerdan coba kembali

 Fitur Cheat Baru Simple No Rusuh No Brutal

  1.   No Banned 100%
  2.   Wallhack Fitur
  3.   NoSmoke
  4.   Crosshair
  5.   Name ESP
  6.   Health ESP
  7.   Recoil
  8.   Reload 

HotKey Cheat:

  • Arah panah Kanan (->) = ON
  • Arah panah Kiri (<-) = Off
  • Arah panah atas dan bawah = Pilih menu cheat
  • INSERT = Tutup Cheat

Sebelum menggunakan jangan lupa matikan Antivirus !. Jika menu tidak muncul harap dicoba lagi!


Tutorial Cheat

  • Download Cheat
  • Extract file cheat yang telah didownload (Extract Here)
  • Buka file yang berektensi .exe dengan Run Asadministrator
  • Buka Cheat Tunggu aktif
  • Buka PB Launcher
  • Star PB
  • Muncul Hacksield/Xigncode Klik INJECT tulisan ada injectnya 
  • Happy Cheatting!
  • Link download 1 : DISINI 
  • Link download 2 : DISINI

Sunday, January 24, 2016

How to Hack Free Themes Being Paid LINE


Saturday, January 23, 2016

GrabPoints Android Application Producing Dollar

 GrabPoints - benefit the most popular app now on Android. GrabPoints allows members to earn points for watching videos, completing surveys, try apps and more! Once you have collected enough points, exchange them for free gift cards or cash Paypal through our comprehensive gift shop.

This new application of dollars name GrabPoints, immediately wrote ya how:
1. Download application GrabPoints in playstore or Click Here : here

2. After the download and installation of the application is complete, open the application, it will be
     appeared several options to login. Select only facebook for using
     facebook registration process will be more easily and quickly completed.
3. If it should appear input the code, enter the code UPKATK to get 100 points / $ 1 you first.
* Remember revenues code appears only once, so please note the code UPKATK first because if you do not enter a code that appears only a little task it will be the lesser your chance to get points to be exchanged for dollars as much.

4. After doing tasks that are available.
     How to Earn Points:
     Earn points by completing various activities:
     - Invite a Friend - Invite ALL your friends and get a great
     - Download Application - Install the application and try out games, utilities and more
     - Complete Survey - full survey for large advertisers
     - Sign up for the site - Sign up for the site and try their service
     - Watch TV GrabPoints - Watch videos and TV entertaining GrabPoints
     get 20 points for every 10 videos watched
     - Try Products - Purchase products and get points for trying them out

5. Now if the points you reach at least 500 points to redeem the $ 5 via Paypal, now a minimum of 300 points can be exchanged for $ 3 sdah via Paypal.

6. That article GrabPoints Android Application Dollar Producer, how to get a dollar in android is the only capital android phone, please try ...

Tags: grabpoints, application of dollars, way grabpoints list, how to sign up and get dollars grabpoints


  Passable ya how to get dollars from the internet:



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